How to Contact Me

Because I will only have time to email once a week and snail mail is, well, slow, this is the best way to send me letters. They print off your letter and deliver it ASAP. Just click WRITE A LETTER (up top) or POUCH (FREE) (on the left side), select the PERU CUSCO mission  and fill in your return address and my name.

Probably the easiest way for y'all to contact me. However, I won't have a lot of time to reply. I will try my best, but I can't promise that I'll respond quickly. But, feel free.

Snail Mail
If you don't mind the wait, I would love some hand written letters every once in a while. My address will change periodically, but I'll have my mom keep this address up to date.

Hermana Amie Condie
Perú Cusco Mission

Av. de la Cultura 2417
Frente de Urb. Santa Ursula
Capilla Mormona
Cusco, PERU

*include phone number for packages: 51 84-260-810

If you have any questions about how to contact me you can also just ask my mom and she'll help you out! Her email is Excited to hear from you all!